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Local Native Listserv

We are pleased to announce a new email listserv for local Native youth in 8th grade and above (including high school, college, community college, trade school, graduate school, etc.)!

It is, and we use this listserv to share announcements of events, scholarships, college/school/job fairs, or anything else that may be beneficial for Native youth from age 13 and up through 25+.  Yáan'iiftihansas means “ones who are just growing;” young people. It is the plural of yáan'iiftihan. If you would like to enroll in this listserv (either because you are a young Native person or because you would like to post events/announcements to it), please email and Colleen will be happy add you to the listserv. Yôotva!

Feb 25 KYL.png
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