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2024/2025 Youth Council Elections

Election Criteria

Youth Council:

Youth wanting to run for a seat on Youth Council MUST be a tribal member or descendent of the Karuk Tribe. Please refer to the SAMPLE Letter of Intent to Run for clarification on where to add your enrollment number. Youth Council consists of four Executive positions. They are as follows; Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. Along with six Members of Large in the Yreka, Happy Camp and Orleans districts. Youth running for an Executive position MUST be in grades 9th-12th. Member at Large positions are open to youth, 8th grade and above. 


A complete submission to run for Youth Council will include the following: Letter of Intent to Run (position clearly stated in top left corner of letter), enrollment number (included in the top right corner of letter) and one headshot (to be used for the website and ballots). 


Executive Assistant:

Youth wanting to run for the NEW Executive Assistant position MUST submit a Letter of Interest, including qualifications and experience along with one headshot (to be used for the website and ballots). 


Submissions will open on 09-23-24 at 12:00 pm and close on 10-04-24. NO late submissions will be considered. 


Email submissions to


You will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours, to let you know that your submission has been received. If you do NOT receive confirmation, call/text Brionna Gonzales at 530-643-6953.

Sample Letter of Intent to Run

If you need assistance with your letter, please contact Brionna Gonzales.

Position: Secretary                                                                                            Enrollment Number- 1234




My name is Brionna Gonzales and I currently reside in the Yreka district. I am writing to formally announce my candidacy for Karuk Youth Council's Secretary position opening for the 2024/2025 year. 


I have served as a member of Karuk Youth Leadership for the past two years and have been actively involved in all meetings, events and community service efforts. I take pride in being involved in such a great program and believe I would be a good candidate for the Secretary position. 


I am focused, organized and always willing to learn. I uphold a great GPA at Yreka High School and take my academics and extracurriculars very seriously. I am confident that I could help Karuk Youth Leadership thrive and stay aligned with the goals and values they have set forth. 


I look forward to all great things that this new year will bring to our program and send positive energy to all my fellow youth who are also running for positions on Youth Council. 


Yootva for your time and consideration. 

Meet The Candidates
Youth Council

Meet The Candidates
Executive Assistant

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